Friday, March 09, 2007

Leaving while it stared to get dark out.. Posted by Picasa
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Cool ice formations Posted by Picasa
It's almost gone! Posted by Picasa
Pretty sunset... Posted by Picasa
Mmmm..yum. It was so hot we had to put ice in it to cool it down! Posted by Picasa
Peter didn't tell me he brought hot apple cider for our trip! He was well prepared. Posted by Picasa
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We sat down to take a break and watch the sunset Posted by Picasa
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We wondered if we'd catch the sunset... Posted by Picasa
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We climbed way up...I was scared to look over the edge! Posted by Picasa
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We decided to make our own trails through the woods/mtn...and climbed up this steep hill. Posted by Picasa
Pete fell trying to show off...haha Posted by Picasa
Somehow this large cave was formed...and there were many more just like it. It was perfect to get some shelter from all of the wind! Posted by Picasa
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You can see the huge waves that are now frozen Posted by Picasa
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